HSMC Innovation Project Competition 2018
About the Competition
“The HSMC Innovation Project Competition” aims to promote a culture of innovation & creativity and enrich student learning experience at HSMC. The submission should demonstrate the creative concepts, innovative design/modeling, as well as the applicability and impact.
The competition is organised in three areas: Business, Social and Humanities Innovations.
Business innovation refers to implementing new ideas, deriving more effective processes, creating better products and services that can enhance the competitive advantage to grow and success of a business. Innovation involves the process of translating ideas into goods or services that create values and satisfy the needs and expectations of the customers. Innovation can occur in a wide spectrum of business disciplines including accounting, banking and finance, management, marketing, information system, and logistics and supply chain management as well as interdisciplinary field in business.
Social Innovation refers to the creation, development, adoption, and integration of new concepts and practices that address the changing social challenges. The social value created contributes the growth of communities and enhances their capacity to act. Innovation may be new ideas enhancing the understanding of human and society, such as political system, social relationships, social psychology,etc.
Humanities innovation is a new idea that contains the potential of its own realisation in the form of cultural practices, intellectual movements, and forms of creative cooperation. The scope covers language, literature, art, philosophy, religion and some cross-categories such as photography, film or computer games. Innovation can be ideas reflect and enhance understanding of classics or constructing theory to understand important human value.

Innovation Examples
1. All current HSMC students are eligible to participate.
2. Participants must form a project team with at most three students.
Entry Requirements
Each project team can submit at most one entry. The entry must be the students’ own work demonstrating their creativity and innovation.
The entry can be in the form of a conceptual model or a prototype.
Each project team is required to complete an application form with a detailed project description in English or Chinese (only for project related to Chinese Culture/Literature). Multi-media illustrations could be attached to the application.
Completed form and attachments must be submitted electronically to the Centre for Teaching and Learning williamyieu@hsmc.edu.hk by 6 March, 2017.
Shortlisted project teams may be invited to give a presentation.
A panel of judges will be appointed to assess the entries based on the originality, creativity, innovativeness, applicability and impact.
You may download the judging rubric for the competition here.
An entry in each group will be selected for the HSMC Project Competition Excellence Award. Each Excellence Award team will receive HK$5,000 and an award certificate.
At most five projects will be selected for the HSMC Project Competition Merit Award. Each Merit Award team will receive HK$2,000 and a certificate.
The Excellence Award and Merit Award teams and team members must attend the Awards Presentation Ceremony to receive the awards.
Important Dates
i. Briefing Session:
Date: Thursday, 16 November 2016
Time: 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Venue: Room D603, 6/F, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building
Download Material: Presentation PowerPoint
ii. Submission Deadline: Monday, 5 March, 2018
Award Winning Projects of HSMC Innovation Project Competition 2017
SIMTraGo is a mobile application platform for selecting mobile service plans from different carriers worldwide. It is a market creator, a B2C model that bring travellers, buyers, sellers, and carriers together. Customers will be provided with a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card which can receive mobile service signals from different networks. After the purchase, customers can enjoy the telecommunication service they have chosen.
The project aims to provide a multi-function website and mobile app focusing on the film industry. It hopes to design a website providing the crowdfunding of new films, purchase of tickets with discount, rating and reviews of movies and the discovery of new blood artists.
The most highlighted point is that people can break the situation that the movies are only invested and made by the film production companies. People can now choose what movies they want to produce and invest, even the artists of character and directors through the “Film Dreamer” website.
Transbot, a new translation based on Memosource with recommendation on its display and try to insert other useful devices into the practices. It will combined seven functions, including electronic dictionaries, termbase, machine translation, corpora, concordances, database and translation memory which can help translator to reduce the unnecessary steps on searching during translation and help the translator to further understand the source text. Besides, Transbot is not only used for financial translation, but also law, philosophy, literature translation.
In this project, we concerned with the problem of drivers spending a lot of time in finding parking space and dealing with parking payment. To tackle this problem, our design aims to ease the way of seeking a vacant parking space in a short period of time as well as improving the flexibility of the payment system by using latest technology.
In our design, we mainly apply the RFID and Red-ray technologies to complete the payment transaction and locate the current location of the parking spaces and vehicles.
HSMC Green-Print Programme emphasises the recycle and reuse of paper in HSMC. By providing incentive to encourage students and staffs to recycle paper, the paper waste in HSMC can be greatly reduced. The sources of paper waste in HSMC mainly comes from staff and students’ lecture notes, examination papers, administrative documents and activity posters and leaflets. Students and staff are suggested to collect their used paper and bring them back to the college for reproduction by putting them into the paper reproduce machine.
In this project, we work with the largest community transportation organisation which provide paratransit services for people with disabilities and the elderly. In Hong Kong, the number of people with disabilities has increased by approximately 60%, from 361,300 in 2007 to 578,600 in 2013. Disclosed in the Legislative Council, such growing demand led to about 1,000 rejected applications per month on average from 2009 to 2013 according to the data from Dial-a-Ride applications. This rejection rate is caused by increasing demand for paratransit services due to the ageing population. According to the government statistics (Erik Tollefson, 2015), the proportion of population aged 65 and above is slated to double (31 percent) by 2036. The population is expected to remain on an ageing trend (Census and Statistics Department Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, 2015). The median age would rise from 42.8 in 2014 to 51.0 in 2064. On the other hand, the proportion of the population aged under 15 is projected to decrease from 11% in 2014 to 9% in 2064. Hong Kong, as a part of the world, obviously is facing elderly problem in future. To deal with unfulfilled demands, the government supports more vehicles to the organization. However, this causes the operational challenges of managing over 150 vehicles.
This project aims to propose integrative technologies for enabling universal accessible transportation service in Hong Kong. The integrative technologies include: 1) Data Visualisation; 2) Vehicle Scheduling System; 3) Mobile apps.
Award Winning Projects of HSMC Innovation Project Competition 2016
Exploring the smart technologies for the service parts industry with the case study of Company R. Online and offline solutions are innovated to optimise the operations:
A) Online solution: A multi-functional mobile app for stock taking and real-time inventory monitoring system through cloud database.
B) Offline solution: A visualisation interface of stockroom layout with the optimal routing plan for responding customer orders.
The objective of this project is to innovate a business intelligent tool for small-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to enhance their decisions quality and identify the rooms for continuous improvement. In particular, this tool is designed for the procurement function which aims to achieve just in time strategy. The project was worked with Tung Fat Ho Building Material Ltd (TFH), which is one of the leading ironmongery suppliers in Hong Kong, to collect the large amount of data from their enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. The business intelligent tool consists of two parts. The first part is composed of the database software, Microsoft Access, to transform the unstructured data among various unstructured reports to become structured data in the relational dataset. The second part of business intelligent tool is developed in the spreadsheet software, Microsoft Excel, serving as an analytical platform to shows different levels of key performance indicators a dashboard. The project aims to develop business intelligent tools which are comparable to the large enterprises operations but also are affordable in small-medium sized enterprises.
This project is to develop a job search solution with a new user interface (UI) to present information in a more user friendly manner, a new search filtering and a new pricing model with job ads focusing on quality rather than quantity, is needed to truly solve the pain spots of job seekers and employers.
To provide the best matching experience to job seekers and employers, Jobease reduces friction at every stage of the job/candidate search process, makes value maximising decision easy and most importantly results in a match between job seekers and employers at a reasonable cost.
U-Hall is a social innovation which available for College residents to share and communicate. With the emerging technology, college can improve activity management and strengthen community simply. It is the advanced platform to combine idea of smart-home and internet communication networks by using mobile application. It is aimed to provide benefits in below six aspects: i. Develop harmonised college culture and strengthen hall community, ii. Efficient laundry service, iii. Accurate time counting (e.g. timer of laundry service), iv. Laundry booking to avoid quarrel, v. Safeguard room property, and vi. Optimising visitor registration procedures.