HSUHK Innovation Project Competition 2023

About the Competition
The “HSUHK Innovation Project Competition” (“the Competition”), organised by the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), aims to promote to HSUHK students a culture of innovation and creativity and to raise their awareness of the critical social issues locally or globally. Through training of various modes and selected themes, and a showcase of project proposals through on-stage pitching, the Competition also strives to enrich the student learning experience at HSUHK. This year, we are grateful to have the Office of Vice-President (Organisational Development), Campus Development and Management Office (CDMO) and Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) as the co-organisers. Same as last year, we also have the Institute of Youth Sustainability and Leadership (IYSL), and the Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WUCIE) as our strategic partners sponsoring the competition.
Theme of the HSUHK Innovation Competition 2023: Smart Campus
With the leading theme of “Smart Campus”, the HSUHK Innovation Competition 2023 is inviting you, HSUHK students, to improve your very own campus through combining smart technologies with physical infrastructure for improved services, decision making, campus sustainability and more. This year, you may also get a chance to receive support or budget and implement your innovative projects! Let’s transform our university into a smart and sustainable place, to learn and to teach.
We embrace your ideas!
The HSUHK Innovation Competition 2023 has three themes, each responding to one or more of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Smart Learning

Smart classrooms,
Inclusive and diverse learning environment
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG 10: Reduce Inequalities
SDG 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Smart Living

Safe campus and RCs,
Smart workplace,
Smart lifestyle,
Campus friendliness for people with different degrees of mobility
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Smart Saving

Energy conservation in buildings/ facilities,
Waste reduction (e.g. food, paper),
Natural and biodiversity preservation,
Eco-friendly campus
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 14: Life Below Water
SDG 15: Life on Land

Date | Actions |
Stage 1: Application |
October to December 2022 |
Students form teams and submit application forms online. Application submission deadline: 30 December 2022 |
Stage 2: Talk Series in SDGs |
24 November 2022 1 December 2022 |
Talk #1 – Tips and Tricks to Stand Your Proposal Out! Talk #2 – Entering a New Era of Smart Campus |
Stage 3: Proposal Write-up |
January to March 2023 | Writing the innovation project proposal. Project submission deadline: 17 March 2023 |
Stage 4: Team Consultation (Updated) |
27 February to 10 March 2023 |
Each participating team will be assigned to a consultant. |
Stage 5: Skill-based Workshop series (Updated) |
16 February 2023 (Thur) 23 February 2023 (Thur) 2 March 2023 (Thur) 10 March 2023 (Fri) 16 March 2023 (Thur) |
Workshop #1 – A Sustainable Campus with Smart Innovative Technologies Workshop #2 – Knowledge Hub: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Workshop #3 – Proposal writing Workshop #4 – Unleash Your Presentation Skills with PowerPoint & Powtoon Workshop #5 – Confidence & Delivery: How to Shine on Stage (Pitching skill) |
Stage 6: Pitching Competition |
30 March 2023 (Thur) | Pitching Competition and Award Presentation Ceremony |
Competition Details
- All current HSUHK full-time undergraduate students are eligible to participate.
- Participants must form a project team of 2 to 4 students and submit the application form by 23:59, 30 December 2022 (Friday) (Participating project teams DO NOT need to submit proposals in the application stage ).
- At least 50% of their teammates should sign up for all the workshops and activities lined up. The attendance may affect their chance of being shortlisted/ will be shown in the marking sheet.
- Each project team may submit ONE entry only.
- Each project team has to devise an original proposal to address the identified social need(s) or issue(s) relevant to the HSUHK campus and at least one SDGs.
- The entry must be the students’ own work demonstrating their innovative concept, creative design/modelling, as well as its practicability and impact.
- The entry shall be a proposal outlining a campus innovation project, which may be in the form of an advocacy event, a start-up, a collaboration with NGO(s), an enhancement plan for an existing project of our campus, etc.
- The proposal should illustrate the following content:
– Need or problem identification
– Existing solution(s) (if any)
– Proposed solution(s) (including format, timeline, operation details, budget, expected difficulties and solutions, etc.)
– Expected impact to the beneficiaries and/or the University - Each team has to submit a proposal with the following requirements:
– MUST be in Powtoon or PowerPoint format
– Maximum 30 slides for Powerpoint or 5 minutes for Powtoon
– Any text, images and videos can be included
– In English (use Chinese only for projects related to Chinese culture)
– Submitted electronically via the Proposal Submission Google Form by 17 March 2023 23:59. - Participating project teams will be invited to give a 3-minute pitch on their projects at the Pitching Competition on 30 March 2023. The organisers may shortlist the teams for the Pitching Competition if they receive a large number of entries.
– The judge panel reserves the right to shortlist the participating project teams for the Pitching Competition.
– Each (shortlisted) project team must send at least one member to attend the Pitching Competition to compete for the awards.
– A panel of judges will be appointed to assess the entries based on the following criteria:
- Innovativeness (25%)
- Relevance and impact (25%)
- Proposal write-up (30%)
- Presentation (20%)
- Champion: HK$20,000 and an award certificate
- 1st runner-up: HK$10,000 and an award certificate
- 2nd runner-up: HK$5,000 and an award certificate
- 4 Special Prizes in selected categories (if deemed applicable): HK$3,000 each and an award certificate
– The awarded teams will also be recommended to join the Pre-Incubation Programme organised by the Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WUCIE).
– The results will be announced shortly after the Pitching Competition at the Award Presentation Ceremony.
– The awarded project teams must attend the Award Presentation Ceremony to receive the awards.
– The organisers reserve the right of rescheduling the date of the Award Presentation Ceremony depending on the situation.
– The decision of the judge panel is final.
- The organisers reserve the right not to accept any application submitted in response to this Competition and the right to interpret, amend, supplement the terms and conditions in the guidelines.
- The organisers reserve the right to disqualify any team that violates the rules, conditions or spirit of the Competition. In case of any dispute, any decision made by the organisers shall be final and conclusive.
- All materials submitted must be original work and must not contain any unauthorised use of copyrighted or proprietary materials of any person or entity. Any form of plagiarism will result in automatic disqualification. Use of thoughts or work of another source must be properly referenced.
The Library has prepared an informative Resource Guide for participants of the HSUHK Innovation Project Competition 2023 to kickstart the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) research. For more information about the Guide and the use of relevant resources, please feel free to Ask a Librarian.
Talk Series and Workshops: Free-of-charge! Register Now!
A series of talks and training workshops on the ideas and knowledge of the SDGs, the concept of innovation, real-life case sharing, and presentation skills will be organised to prepare you better for the pitching competition. The talks and the workshops can certainly assist you to craft your proposal! Of course, all HSUHK students are welcome (even if you are not joining the Innovation Competition). *ECA hours/iGPS units will be granted to participants attending each workshop.Workshop Series #3:
Clarity & Effectiveness: How to Generate a Winning Proposal
Ms TANG Kit Shan, Sharon
Senior Project Officer, Fullness Social Enterprises Society
Workshop Series #5:
Confidence & Delivery: How to Shine on Stage
Ms Joy Pamnani
Public Speaking & Debate Coach
Chief Innovation Officer, Inspire2Aspire Consulting

Workshop Series #4:
Sharpen Your Presentation Skills with PowerPoint & Powtoon
Date: 10 March 2023 (Friday)
Time: 14:00 – 15:30 (Registration at 13:45 pm)
Mode: Online via zoom
Language: Cantonese
Representatives from CTL (E-Learning Section)

![CTLxIYSL Workshop] Knowledge Hub: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)](https://teaching-and-learning.hsu.edu.hk/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Poster_SDGs-Workshop__CTLxIYSL20230223-724x1024.jpg)
Workshop Series #2:
Knowledge Hub: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Ms Mandy Ng, The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL);
Ms Bakar Fariha Salma Deiya (Barbie), The Institute for Youth Sustainability Leadership (IYSL)
Workshop Series #1:
A Sustainable Campus with Smart Innovative Technologies
Date: 16 February 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 15:00 – 16:00 (Registration at 14:45 pm)
Venue: D407, Block D
Language: Cantonese
Mr Nathan LAM, Solution Consulting Manager of DIGIQAL
Dr George HO, Associate Director of CTL (E-Learning Section)

Talk Series #2: Entering a New Era of Smart Campus
Date: 1 December 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 15:30 – 16:45 (Registration at 13:45 pm)
Venue: The Inspiring, Block B
Language: Cantonese
Playback: Click here
“Closing the gap between HSUHK campus services and user expectations – areas where smart solutions can help the most”
Speaker: Ir. LIN Chun Ming, Kelvin, Director of Campus Development and Management
> There are various needs and expectations on campus services as HSUHK develops. Given limited resources, are there innovative solutions to address current gaps in areas such as lift use, car parking, catering seating, and space use etc.
“IT Technology for Smart Campus: What is the “ABCD” in IT technology?”
Speaker: Mr. WONG Yat Cheung, Delon, Associate Director of Information Technology
> You will learn about how to use technology to enhance the campus experience, drive operational efficiency, and provide education in a manner that all can access?
Talk Series #1: Tips and Tricks to Stand Your Proposal Out!
Date: 24 November 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 14:00 – 15:15 (Registration at 13:45 pm)
Venue: The Inspiring, Block B
Language: Cantonese
Mr. LAM Chi Yuen, Brian, Founder of Startie
Ms. YAU Mei Ling, Founder of LAY
Ms. TANG Kit Shan, Sharon, Senior Project Officer, Innovator Farm Programme

Submit for the Competition!
Form a team and complete the Application Form on or before 30 December 2022 to join!


Strategic partners

Previous Innovation Project Competitions
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