Walking in their Shoes: A Theatrical Exploration of SEN Student Experiences (28 August 2024)

On 28 August 2024, in collaboration with the Student Affairs Office (SAO), the Teaching and Learning Enhancement Section (TLE) of the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), played host to the captivating drama workshop ” Walking in Their Shoes: A Theatrical Exploration of SEN Student Experiences ” as part of CTL’s “Teaching Excellence in the New Semester: Refresh, Recharge, and Renew” series. Presented by the AddOil Workshop, this immersive experience blurred the lines between reality and performance, offering academic and administrative colleagues a unique insight into the world of students with Special Educational Needs (SEN).

Around 40 colleagues gathered to enjoy and engage in a 90-minute theatrical exploration of empathy and professional growth, stepping into the challenges and triumphs of SEN students through discussions and interactive role-playing. Selective participants actively shaped the workshop’s narrative, gaining firsthand understanding of the daily hurdles faced by SEN students.

Empowered with practical strategies to support diverse learning needs, attendees left with a renewed commitment to fostering inclusive educational environments. As the curtains drew to a close, its impact lingered in the hearts and minds of all who participated. The drama performance served as a reminder of the power of empathy, understanding, and collaborative efforts in creating a more inclusive and supportive educational community at HSUHK.

Depicting the daily situation of an SEN student through the drama performance. 

A staff member participates in the interactive session.