HSUHK Innovation Project Competition 2022 – Talk Series

Part of the HSUHK Innovation Project Competition 2022, the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) successfully organised three theme-based talks on three consecutive Thursdays in November 2021, enlightening over 150 students so that they could see the application of innovation to social issues around us in a whole new light. 

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HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards Sharing Seminar III (2020/21)

The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) wrapped the HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards Sharing Seminar Series (2020/21) up on 8 April 2021 (Thursday), 2:00 to 3:00 p.m., at D603.

The Sharing Seminar III, titled “Service-Learning for Individuals, Society and Translation”, focused on the pedagogy of Service-Learning, an initiative at the University in early 2019. Ms Maggie Wong, the recipient of the HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards 2019/20, partnered with Dr Siu Sai-cheong, our invited guest speaker, for an illustration of their valuable experience in teaching with Service-Learning. Here are their topics:

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HSUHK Social Innovation Competition 2021 Pitching Competition and Awards Presentation

The 12 teams’ amazing pitching brought the HSUHK Social Innovation Competition 2021 to a successful completion!

Our 31 participating students are all winners here. They, together with over a thousand students, enriched themselves through our 7 theme-based and skill-based workshops, from November 2020 to February 2021. All took home valuable insights on the development of the three targeted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, Goals 3, 11 and 12), the essence of social innovation, research techniques, proposal writing and pitching skills.

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