HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards Sharing Seminar III (2020/21)

The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) wrapped the HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards Sharing Seminar Series (2020/21) up on 8 April 2021 (Thursday), 2:00 to 3:00 p.m., at D603.

The Sharing Seminar III, titled “Service-Learning for Individuals, Society and Translation”, focused on the pedagogy of Service-Learning, an initiative at the University in early 2019. Ms Maggie Wong, the recipient of the HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards 2019/20, partnered with Dr Siu Sai-cheong, our invited guest speaker, for an illustration of their valuable experience in teaching with Service-Learning. Here are their topics:

Bridging Gaps through Service-Learning
By Ms Maggie Wong, Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Science

Integration of Service-Learning into Translation Teaching: Where Translation Technology Meets Heritage Revitalisation
By Dr Siu Sai-cheong, Associate Professor, School of Translation and Foreign Languages

Dr Felix Tang, Associate Director (Service-Learning) of CTL, introduced the speakers and the support of the University and CTL’s offer of Service-Learning.

The Seminar was well-attended by a total of 20 participants, onsite and online. The audience found the content prepared by the speakers inspiring in organising student activities. The Q&A session of the Seminar also provided a chance for colleagues to discuss and exchange their experience in teaching with Service-Learning.

Dr Felix Tang introduced the support that CTL could provide for Service-Learning.

Ms Maggie Wong spoke on the benefits of Service-Learning to students and society with her module “ASI1002 Individual and Society” as an example.

Dr Siu Sai-cheong brought inspiring content of incorporating Service-Learning into TRA3105 Computer and Business Translation 1 and the heritage preservation project for Luen Wo Market.