HSUHK Innovation Project Competition 2023 – Talk Series #1: Tips and Tricks to Stand Your Proposal Out!

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For the eighth time in the Academic Year 2022/23, the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) launched the annual student-oriented event, The HSUHK Innovation Project Competition 2023 (hereafter “the Competition”)! With the strategic partners of the Institute of Youth Sustainability (IYSL) and the Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WUCIE), the Competition aims to promote to our HSUHK students a culture of innovation and creativity and to raise the awareness of critical social issues locally or globally.

This year, we are even more grateful to have the Office of Vice-President (Organisational Development), Campus Development and Management Office (CDMO) and Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) as the co-organisers. With the leading theme of “Smart Campus”, the HSUHK Innovation Competition 2023 is inviting our students to improve our own campus through combining smart technologies with physical infrastructure for improved services, decision making, campus sustainability and more. The winning teams may also get a chance to receive support or budget and implement their innovative projects. In November and December, the CTL first enlightened both our students and our staff with two theme-based talks.

Talk Series #1: Tips and Tricks to Stand Your Proposal Out!
The talk series kicked off with the sharing of tips and tricks for writing eye-catching and persuasive proposals on 24 November 2012. Mr Brian Lam, our university alum, returned to his alma mater proudly as the founder of STARTIE, an online platform for finding suitable collaboration partners, first shared his entrepreneurial success, stressing the importance of having the “never give up” spirit. Brian also reminded our students to capitalise on our University’s abundant resources, ranging from our teachers’ professional guidance, different units’ supports, and our schoolmates’ partnership. What followed was Ms Yau Mei-ling, another young entrepreneur founding LAY, a social enterprise providing space with multiple stress-relieving elements. Mei-ling shed light on the significance of applying the knowledge and skills obtained from our studies and paying attention to our surroundings, looking for innovative and practical entrepreneurial ideas. The audience was also well-informed by our final speaker, Ms Tang Kit-shan, Sharon, Senior Project Officer of Innovator Farm Programme, about the systematic and effective ways to craft a pitching proposal, from scratch to its completion, to stand their ideas out and win the favour of the judges.

由教與學發展中心 (CTL) 主辦的「香港恒生大學創新計劃比賽」(下稱「比賽」) 致力鼓勵恒大同學留意物本地及全球化議題,研究並制訂創意和實踐並駕齊驅的計劃書。比賽在本學年已踏入第八個年頭,教與學發展中心繼續得到青年可持續發展領袖研習所 (IYSL) 及伍絜宜創新及創業中心 (WUCIE) 的支持, 成為比賽的策略伙伴。
今年,CTL有幸邀請到副校長室(機構發展)、校園發展及管理處(CDMO)和資訊科技服務中心(ITSC)的作為協辦機構。比賽以“智慧校園”為主題,邀請學生通過將智能技術融入校院基設施,從而改善自己的校園,服務、決策制定和校園可持續發展等。 勝出的團隊將有機會獲得支持或預算實踐他們的創新項目。

講座系列 #1:技巧和竅門, 讓您的計劃書突圍而出!
講座系列以撰寫計劃書的技巧和竅門, 於二零二二年十一月二十四日揭開序幕。恒大畢業生Brian Lam是次以網上尋求合作伙伴平台STARTIE創辦人身份, 向一眾師弟師妹分享創業成功心得,提醒同學成功後應如何保持自己的心態。同時鼓勵同學們善用學校資源,例如邀請教授們提供指導、尋找相關部門支援和在同學中尋找協助等等。此外,講座還邀請到LAY, 一間提供舒壓休憩空間的社企,創辦人Ms Yau Mei Ling 分享如何運用大學所學的知識和技巧運用在創業道路上,提議同學多留意身邊事物,便會有不一樣的想法。最後壓軸邀請到創新園高級項目主任Ms Tang Kit Shan,Sharon講解如何有效地擇寫吸引目光的計劃書,當中所用到的方法以及注意事項。如何由零開始到完成一份完美的計劃書,讓同學的計劃書突圍而出,從而獲得評審們的垂青!

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Mr Brian Lam, Founder of STARTIE
STARTIE創辦人Brian Lam

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Ms Yau Mei-ling, Founder of LAY
LAY創辦人Ms Yau Mei-ling

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創新園高級項目主任Ms Tang Kit Shan,Sharon
Ms Tang Kit-shan, Sharon, Senior Project Officer of Innovator Farm Programme

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Dr Holly Chung presented a souvenir to the speakers as a token of appreciation.