The Teaching and Learning Enhancement Section of the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) successfully organised the first teaching-enhancement seminar entitled ‘Voice Care Workshop’ in the new academic year of 2022/23. The workshop was hosted by Dr Janet Ng, Senior Clinical Associate, Speech Therapy Unit, Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
At the workshop, Dr Ng explained the possible causes and symptoms of teachers’ voice issues and gave practical tips on voice care. She also demonstrated some simple and interesting voice training exercises to help the teachers protect their voices.
The workshop attracted the active participation of about 30 colleagues. The enthusiastic participants found the workshop both interesting and practical.
Teaching-Enhancement Seminar #1: Voice Care Workshop
Date: 22 September 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 15:30 – 16:30
Venue: D410, 4/F, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building
Speaker: Dr Janet Ng, Senior Clinical Associate, Speech Therapy Unit, Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
教與學發展中心教與學發展部在 2022/23 新學年成功舉辦了第一場名為「用聲有法- 聲線護理工作坊」的教學提昇研討會。工作坊由香港理工大學中文及雙語學系言語治療所高級臨床導師伍可怡博士主持。
在工作坊中,伍博士解釋教師們聲線出現問題的可能原因和症狀,並提供聲音護理貼士。 她同時示範了一系列簡單而有趣的聲線練習,幫助老師們保養嗓子。
CTL 教學提昇研討會 #1:「用聲有法」- 聲線護理工作坊日期:2022年9月22日(星期四)
地點: D410, 4樓, 利國偉教學大樓
講者:伍可怡博士, 香港理工大學中文及雙語學系言語治療所高級臨床導師