Assessment and feedback are inextricable components of the learning process, yet providing feedback that is both effective and engaging can prove to be a formidable challenge. To address this challenge, the Centre for Teaching and Learning hosted the third sharing seminar “Feedback that Fuels Success: Enhancing Learning through Effective Assessments and Peer Feedback” on 27 April 2023 where two more winning teachers of the HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards (2021/22) were recognised: Dr Holly Chung, Senior Lecturer and Dr Maggie Ma, Assistant Professor, both from the Department of English, School of Humanities and Social Science.
Dr Chung initiated the seminar by sharing her assessment design and feedbacking philosophy in her talk titled “The Art of Assessment: Effective Practices for Providing Feedback that Resonates with Students”. On top of sharing effective practices for providing customised feedback to suit individual student needs and preferences, Dr Chung also introduced a good number of online applications, together with her analysis of their strengths and weaknesses, to facilitate feedbacking for different purposes, and types of assessments.
Dr Ma then enlightened the audience with a thorough scholarly analysis of different kinds of peer feedback strategies, through her sharing titled “Using Peer Feedback to Help Students Generate Internal Feedback: The Power of Comparison”. The whole audience took home the inspiration on how to develop our students’ evaluative capacities through a wide range of in-class and take-home peer review and comparison activities.
The seminar was well attended by a diverse group of nearly 20 academic and administrative staff members who are equally dedicated to facilitating student learning. Overall, the three HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards (2021/22) Sharing Seminar not only celebrated the award-winning teachers but also provided a platform for educators to share their effective practices and learn from one another, ultimately benefiting the entire academic community.
評估和反饋在學習過程中環環相扣。對教師而言 ,能提供有效的反饋更是艱鉅挑戰。 教與學發展中心於2023年4月27日舉辦了第三次香港恒生大學卓越教學獎 – 2021/22 年度教學分享研討會,主題為「反饋的致勝之道 :通過有效評估和同伴反饋促進學習」,邀請到兩位香港恒生大學卓越教學獎(2021/22)獲 獎老師—— 人文社會科學學院英文系的高級講師鍾可盈博士,以及助理教授馬晶靜博士主講。
研討會首先由鍾博士以「評估的藝術:提供能與學生產生共鳴的反饋」為題,分享 她 教學 的評估設計和反饋 理念。 鍾博士提及要 因應個別學生的學習需要和喜好,提供個人化 意見 , 還介紹了多個網上應用程序,並分析了其利弊 ,以促進不同教學評估和反饋 。
接著,馬博士以「比較的力量: 以同儕反饋鼓勵學生自我回饋」為題,深入分析了不同種類的同儕反饋策略 。 與會者亦充分了解 如何讓同學在課堂內外亦能進行有效的同儕反饋和自我比較活動。
是次研討會吸引了超過20位同樣致力於促進學生學習的教職員參加。 香港恒生大學卓越教學獎 – 2021/22 年度教學分享研討會(三)不僅表揚了獲獎教師的卓越表現和熱誠,也為他們 提供了一個平台,分享有效教學法,互相學習,從而惠及整個學術界。
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Dr Holly Chung, Senior Lecturer from the Department of English shared her assessment design and feedbacking philosophy.

Dr Maggie Ma, Assistant Professor from the Department of English showcased her analysis of different kinds of peer feedback strategies.
英文系助理教授馬晶靜博士展示了對同儕反饋的策略分析 。

Colleagues from the Department of English joined the seminar and shared the joy with the awarded teachers.