HSUHK Innovation Project Competition 2023 – Workshop Series #2: Knowledge Hub: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) collaborated with The Institute for Youth Sustainability Leadership (IYSL) to organise an informative and interactive workshop – Knowledge Hub: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as part of the skill-based workshop series of The HSUHK Innovation Project Competition 2023 on 23 February. The workshop aimed to educate and empower students on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations, providing them with a platform to develop innovative solutions to global challenges. The workshop empowered students to develop innovative solutions to global challenges and showcased the potential of young minds to address the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The workshop began with an introduction to the SDGs, followed by interactive sessions that emphasised the importance of each goal and their interconnectedness. Participants were divided into teams and assigned specific goals to work on. The teams then brainstormed ideas and developed innovative solutions to problems related to their assigned SDG. The interactive nature of the workshop fostered peer-to-peer collaboration and enabled students to engage in practical actions and learn about best practices.

Moreover, the participants showcased their solutions and ideas through group presentations that demonstrated their understanding of the SDGs and showcased their creativity. The workshop was a huge success, and the students left with a better understanding of the SDGs and the knowledge and skills to tackle global challenges. One of the participants expressed their satisfaction with the workshop, stating, “The interactive nature of the workshop made it enjoyable and informative. I feel more equipped to participate in the innovation competition and excited to implement the ideas we developed.”

教與學發展中心(CTL)與青年可持續發展領袖研習所(IYSL)在2月23日合辦了一個富資訊性和互動的工作坊 – 「知識中心:可持續發展目標(SDGs)」。本活動是「香港恒生大學創新計劃比賽」工作坊系列的第二個工作坊,旨在教育學生認識由聯合國制定的17個可持續發展目標,同時為他們提供一個開發創新方案的平台。是次工作坊展示了年輕人應對全球挑戰的潛力,備相關的知識和技能,務求他們在世界上產生正面影響。



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Ms Mandy Ng from CTL, Teaching and Learning Enhancement Section, explained how each SDG applies to the idea of a “Smart Campus”.
教與學發展中心 (CTL)教與學發展部的吳婉婷女士,解釋每個可持續發展目標如何應用於“智慧校園”的概念。

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Ms Bakar Fariha Salma Deiya from IYSL led a group activity and shared the background of the SDGs initiative.
青年可持續發展領袖研習所 (IYSL)的黛雅女士引領參加者進行小組活動,並分享了可持續發展目標倡議的背景。

Students engaged in the task of matching the definition of the SDGs.

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Participants actively took part in the discussion of the group activities.

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Participants presented their innovative ideas on the theme “Smart Campus” of the “competition” this year.