HSUHK Innovation Project Competition 2023 – Workshop Series #3: Clarity & Effectiveness: How to Generate a Winning Proposal

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To gear our students up for their HSUHK Innovation Competition 2023 (Theme: Smart Campus) proposal, the Teaching and Learning Enhancement Section of the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) invited Ms Sharon TANG, Senior Project Officer, Fullness Social Enterprises Society, to deliver a workshop with the theme “Clarity & Effectiveness: How to Generate a Winning Proposal” on 2 March 2023. The workshop was attended by about 50 students participating in our Innovation Competition and also many others who were here to hone their proposal writing skills to increase their chances of securing investment or business opportunities.

The workshop began with an in-depth discussion on the importance of understanding the audience when crafting a proposal. Ms Tang emphasized the need to research the target audience thoroughly, identify their needs and pain points, and tailor the proposal to address those needs specifically. Ms Tang also provided practical guidance on how to develop a compelling value proposition that clearly communicates the value of the proposal and sets it apart from other proposals. The participants were encouraged to use clear and concise language that resonates with the target audience while highlighting the unique benefits of the proposal. The workshop also covered strategies for creating an enchanting narrative and structure for the pitching proposal, without resorting to jargon and technical terms that may confuse or alienate the readers, namely the potential investors or judges. 

Throughout the workshop, Ms Tang provided real-world examples to illustrate key points. The workshop was interactive and engaging, with our participants asking insightful questions. Our students left the workshop with a newfound confidence in their proposal writing skills, a renewed enthusiasm for pitching their ideas in concrete teams, and a strong understanding of what it takes to produce an effective pitching proposal. 

香港恒生大學創新計劃比賽 2023 – 工作坊系列 #3: 清晰和有效:如何撰寫一個成功的建議書?

具說服力的建議書不單能充分表達想法和方案, 更能幫助實現商業和個人成功目標。

為了充分準備同學參加2023年香港恒生大學創新比賽(主題:智慧校園)的提案,教與學發展中心 (CTL) 教與學發展部邀請了豐盛社企學會的高級項目主任鄧潔珊女士,在2023年3月2日舉辦了建議書寫作工作坊。研討會吸引了接近50名同學出席, 當中除了參與本屆創新比賽的同學, 還有不少其他希望提高寫作技能﹑以增加獲得投資或商機機同學。

工作坊先探討制定建議書時了解觀眾的重要性開始。鄧女士強調在撰寫前必須清楚目標讀者的需求和痛點,並量身定制具體解決方案。鄧女士亦提供了實用指導,教授如何撰寫一個引人入勝的價值主張,清晰傳達提案價值。參與工作坊的同學亦明白需要使用清晰簡潔語言,與目標觀眾共鳴,同時突顯提案的獨特優勢。同學也學習到創造動人的敘事手法和清晰架構的策略, 避免使用令投資者或評委感到困惑或疏離的行話和技術術語。

在整個工作坊中,鄧女士以實例深入淺出闡明重點。工作坊互動有趣, 參加同學亦積極提問。參加者們對撰寫計劃書和演繹創新方案的信心,都大大提升了。

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Ms Sharon TANG, Senior Project Officer, Fullness Social Enterprises Society, guided the participants to develop a compelling proposal.

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About 50 students attentively participated in the workshop to acquire the skills necessary for a winning proposal.
接近 50 名學生專心地參加了是次工作坊,從中學習撰寫建議書的成功技巧。

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A participant was asking insightful questions.