Teaching Enhancement Seminar Series #3: Stress Management Workshop 教學提昇研討會 #3: 「點止教書研究咁簡單?」教學人員壓力管理工作坊

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Teaching excellence needs constant enhancement and empowerment, and so do our teachers. 

At the beginning of a new semester, the Teaching and Learning Enhancement Section, the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), tailored a Stress Management Workshop, as our Teaching Enhancement Seminar Series #3, on 27 January 2023.

This workshop was in direct response to the growing needs of our teaching community to foster their well-being and maintain a positive environment inside and outside classrooms, for the teachers themselves and for all of our students. 

Mr Louis Huang, a registered counselling psychologist, was brought in to invite our participants to understand themselves more and learn more about the root causes of their existing and potential stress. Experienced in teaching in higher education himself, Mr Huang showed a thorough understanding of the ever-increasing tasks piled on our teachers nowadays, ranging from teaching, research, administrative work, student admission, professional development, coaching students to join competitions, just to name a few. As a result, our participants gained knowledge of the dynamics and characteristics of stress university teachers especially are under. More importantly, Mr Huang, through the online environment, managed to give all participants a sense of security and great comfort, when leading simple relaxation, visualisation activities to ease anxiety and empower our participants, together as a community and later on, by ourselves. 


在新學期之始,教與學發展中心 (CTL)教與學發展部於 2023 年 1 月 27 日為本校教師舉辦了教學提昇研討會系列 #3: 「點止教書研究咁簡單?」教學人員壓力管理工作坊。有見本校教師人數與日俱增,工作坊旨在能更適切地支援他們的工作需要和身心健康,從而讓師生們在教室內外都能夠保持正面。

這次工作坊由香港心理學會註冊輔導心理學家黃麒錄先生擔任主講。他先讓參與者深入地了解自己,其後引領他們檢視現有和潛在壓力的根源。 擁有高等教育教學經驗的黃先生對於現今教師除了要準備課堂及教書外,繁重的校務,例如教學、研究、行政工作、收生、專業發展、指導學生參加比賽等等,表示身同感受。 

透過黃先生在工作坊上的分享,參與者們都獲益良多,尤其是探索自我壓力來源和認識出現職業倦怠的特徵和知識。 講者亦於網上工作坊中,帶領一眾參與者進入一個既舒適又安穩的放鬆體驗活動,為大家緩解煩憂,賦予參與者力量,助促進身心靈健康。

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A slide showing how participants can develop a self-caring attitude 

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A warm-up exercise at the beginning of the workshop.






講者:黃麒錄先生 Mr. Louis HUANG (註冊輔導心理學家)
名額: 30

▪ 香港心理學會 註冊輔導心理學家
▪ 英國心理學會 特許心理學家
▪ 澳洲墨爾本大學家長情緒教練課程認可導師
▪ 曾於6間大學/專上學院任教,並為35間以上的學校/機構/教會提供輔導/訓練/培訓/講座/研究等服務
▪ 教授幼兒教育、兒童心理學及輔導等學科
▪ 積極提倡家校合作、親子情緒輔導及正向教育
▪ 提供專業心理講座、培訓及工作坊等,致力促進大眾的精神健康和親子關係
