Upcoming Seminars and Workshops
Past Seminars and Workshops
- “Pitch Your Pitch” Workshop (20 February 2025)
- “Facilitative Questioning in ESG Consultation” Workshop (13 February 2025)
- Empowering Future Generations in Sustainability: Tour to The Henderson (10 February 2025)
- “Impact Innovation: Secrets to Unlocking Your Creative Minds” Workshop (23 January 2025)
- “The ESG Journey: Enhancing Our University’s Sustainability Practices” Workshop (16 January 2025)
- “Write Your Successful Proposal: Begin with the End in Mind” Workshop (16 January 2025)
- From Green Buildings to Scenic Routes: An Eco Tour Experience (9 January 2025)
- Cultural Sensitivity Training (8 January 2025)
- ESG Exploratorium: Designing a Sustainable Campus (24 October 2024)
- TLE Seminar Series – “Authentic Assessment: Global Perspectives (12 and 26 September 2024)
- Walking in their Shoes: A Theatrical Exploration of SEN Student Experiences (28 August 2024)
- Teaching Excellence Award (22/23) Sharing Seminar II (17 May 2024)
- The Fourth Talk of My Learning Story (11 April 2024)
- HSUHK Innovation Project Competition 2024: InnoXplore Thursday – Design Thinking: The Gateway to Innovative Entrepreneurship (29 February 2024)
- HSUHK Innovation Project Competition 2024: InnoXplore Thursday – Pitch your Pitch (8 February 2024)
- The Henderson: Igniting Innovation in HSUHK’s Future Innovators (1 February 2024)
- Teaching Excellence Award (22/23) Sharing Seminar I (25 January 2024)
- HSUHK Innovation Project Competition 2024: InnoXplore Thursday – Revolutionising Insurance: The Game-Changing Impact of AI Technology (25 January 2024)
- HSUHK Innovation Project Competition 2024: InnoXplore Saturday (13 January 2024)
- GenAI in HE: Application & Action – Enhancing Education: Exploring the Potential of Generative AI in Assessment, Teaching Applications, and Strategies (31 October 2023)
- Understanding HSUHK’s New Students’ Profile (27 October 2023)
- GenAI in HE: Application & Action – GenAI Playbook – 3 ways to bring ChatGPT into your classroom (26 October 2023)
- 教學提昇研討會系列 #1: 特殊教育需要學生支援及個案分析工作坊 (2023年8月30日)
- Forum on Creating a Welcoming, Positive and Productive Learning Environment
- Outcome-based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) and Criterion-Referenced Assessment
- Online Teaching and Learning with Emerging Technologies
- Learning Programme Accreditation and Quality Assurance
- 演員 + 教師 = 您! ACTeacher = Actor + Teacher
- Online + F2F Collaboration = Miro-cle!
- Forum on Creating a Welcoming, Positive and Productive Learning Environment
- Outcome-based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) and Criterion-Referenced Assessment
- Online Teaching and Learning with Emerging Technologies
- Learning Programme Accreditation and Quality Assurance
- Shine a Spotlight on Students (…Subtly): Practices to Keep your Students ON-line
- QESS/TDG Project Sharing Series: Turning Your Teaching Ideas into a Project
- QESS/TDG Project Sharing Series: Starting a Language and Culture Centre from Scratch
- HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards Sharing Seminar I (2020/21)
- HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards Sharing Seminar II (2020/21)
- From Online Teaching to Mixed Mode Teaching: Some Food for Thoughts
- HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards Sharing Seminar III (2020/21)
- Forum on Creating a Welcoming, Positive and Productive Learning Environment
- Outcome-based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) and Criterion-Referenced Assessment
- Online Teaching and Learning with Emerging Technologies
- Learning Programme Accreditation and Quality Assurance
- Shine a Spotlight on Students (…Subtly): Practices to Keep your Students ON-line
- QESS/TDG Project Sharing Series: Turning Your Teaching Ideas into a Project
- QESS/TDG Project Sharing Series: Starting a Language and Culture Centre from Scratch
- HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards Sharing Seminar I (2020/21)
- HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards Sharing Seminar II (2020/21)
- From Online Teaching to Mixed Mode Teaching: Some Food for Thoughts
- HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards Sharing Seminar III (2020/21)